Upcoming Events
October 26, 2020 2023-10-04 12:48Upcoming Events
See what I'm up to
Upcoming Talks and Events
December 16th 2020

Grand Rounds at McMaster Orthopaedics
Social Media and Healthcare.December 16th 2020

Grand Rounds at McMaster Orthopaedics
Social Media and Healthcare.November 25th 2020

Grand Rounds at Guys and St Thomas’
Culture change in healthcare.November 7th 2020

BAME Birthing With Colour
Being an Ally and Advocate for Change.October 27th 2020

Barts and the London Medical School
Culture Change in Healthcare.October 27th 2020

International Conference in Residency Education (ICRE)
Host, opening remarks, can’t believe I did that in front of everyone! Using failure as an educational strategy, closing remarks.October 20th 2020

Improving Doctors Mental Health Conference
Culture change and mental health

Book Simon to speak at your event
During the current Coronavirus crisis, Simon has moved his public speaking and invited talks online delivering webinars, producing podcasts and publishing blogs. His 2021 diary is filling up fast and to check Simon’s availability or enquire about booking him to speak at an event click below.