August 20, 2020 2023-10-04 11:15News
News & Blogs
With sexual harassment or assault, what you permit, you promote It is everyone’s responsibility to hold sexual predators in the NHS accountable or risk becoming complicit bystanders, writes Simon Fleming Growing evidence shows that healthcare in the United Kingdom and worldwide has a problem with sexual violence. Increasing numbers …
All of us have a survivorship bias in regard to how we were trained in medicine The change precipitated by covid-19 has shown us that just because it’s “always been done this way”, doesn’t mean it should be, or has to be During the Second World War, planes would return home with numerous bullet holes …
Doctors in training: canaries in the covid-19 coalmine, or leaders of change?
The experience of covid-19 for doctors in training across the world is one of disruption. For those in countries with a high incidence of covid-19 cases, work has been realigned, and in some instances, every doctor has been redeployed as …
How I got into Orthopaedics
“You’ll never be a doctor.” Those were the words said to me by my Housemaster at school and were the beginnings of a glamorous and glorious career in medicine. I have always taken the road less travelled and after proving …
What should doctors wear to work?
Tweed, beautiful heels, Superman t shirts, or sensible coloured shirts? Opinions vary on what doctors should wear at work, finds Abi Rimmer “Appearances matter” Simon Fleming, immediate past president of British Orthopaedic Trainees’ Association and specialist registrar in trauma and …
Anti-bullying programme is launched by orthopaedic trainees
A programme to tackle a culture of bullying, undermining, and harassment in trauma and orthopaedic surgery has been launched by the British Orthopaedic Trainees Association and the British Orthopaedic Association. The #HammeritOut initiative, launched earlier this month, is supported …
Simon is very active on social media. His Twitter account @OrthopodReg regularly has over 1.5 million monthly impressions and has between 15,000 and 25,000 visits a month.
He is also experienced in dealing with Media – sharing his experiences of being a trainee surgeon and his message of ending undermining, bullying and harassment within the NHS.
Simon often makes time in his busy calendar of surgery and motivational speaking to write articles, appear on television and radio and contribute to podcasts.
If you are a member of the media and want to contact Simon, please use the ‘Get in touch’ form.